Package com.kevinschildhorn.atomik.atomic.atoms


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abstract class Atom

Represents an Atom from Atomic Design, as a class

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open class FigmaBaseAtom(    val type: AtomType,     val width: Int?,     val height: Int?,     val constraintX: AtomikConstraintX,     val constraintY: AtomikConstraintY) : Atom, FixedSizeAtom, ConstrainedAtom

Represents an Atom with all of the properties found in a Figma atom

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class FigmaShapeAtom(    val type: AtomType = AtomType.VIEW,     val subComponents: List<Atom> = emptyList(),     val width: Int? = null,     val height: Int? = null,     val constraintX: AtomikConstraintX,     val constraintY: AtomikConstraintY,     val color: AtomikColor,     val padding: Int? = null,     val paddingHorizontal: Int? = padding,     val paddingVertical: Int? = padding,     val paddingLeft: Int? = paddingHorizontal,     val paddingRight: Int? = paddingHorizontal,     val paddingTop: Int? = paddingVertical,     val paddingBottom: Int? = paddingVertical) : FigmaBaseAtom, ColorAtom, PaddingAtom

Represents an Atom with all of the properties found in a Figma Shape atom

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class FigmaTextAtom(    val type: AtomType = AtomType.TEXT,     val subComponents: List<Atom> = emptyList(),     val width: Int? = null,     val height: Int? = null,     val constraintX: AtomikConstraintX,     val constraintY: AtomikConstraintY,     val textColor: AtomikColor,     val typography: AtomikTypographyType,     val fontFamily: AtomikFontFamily? = null,     val padding: Int? = null,     val paddingHorizontal: Int? = padding,     val paddingVertical: Int? = padding,     val paddingLeft: Int? = paddingHorizontal,     val paddingRight: Int? = paddingHorizontal,     val paddingTop: Int? = paddingVertical,     val paddingBottom: Int? = paddingVertical) : FigmaBaseAtom, TextAtom, PaddingAtom

Represents an Atom with all of the properties found in a Figma Text atom


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fun Modifier.atomikColor(colorAtom: ColorAtom): Modifier

Modifier extension to apply a Color Atom to a composable

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fun TextAtom.textStyle(fontFamily: FontFamily): TextStyle

Creates a compose TextStyle from the TextAtom


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val ConstrainedAtom.alignment: Alignment

The compose Alignment, based on the ConstrainedAtom. Combines both vertical and horizontal

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The Horizontal compose Alignment, based on the ConstrainedAtom

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val ConstrainedAtom.alignmentVertical: Alignment.Vertical

The Vertical compose Alignment, based on the ConstrainedAtom

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val TextAtom.textStyle: TextStyle

Creates a compose TextStyle from the TextAtom