
abstract class Atom

Represents an Atom from Atomic Design, as a class

An abstract class that represents an Atom. While interfaces are used to specify what Atoms conform to, the Atom class provides the UI details. In Atomic Design, components contain subcomponents that are related to the parent component. For example Organisms contain Molecules, which contain Atoms.


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fun Atom()


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fun <T : AtomInterface> asAtom(): T?

Checks to see if this Atom implements a certain AtomInterface and if it does returns the interface

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inline fun <T : AtomInterface> subAtom(): T?

Finds a subComponent matching a specified AtomInterface if it exists


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val hasSubComponents: Boolean

Checks to see if the Atom has any subcomponents. Returns boolean

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open val subComponents: List<Atom>

the components related to this atom, as mentioned in description

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abstract val type: AtomType

the Type of atom being displayed, such as button or text


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val Atom.textAtom: TextAtom?

Convenience function to get the atom as a text atom