
open class FigmaBaseAtom(    val type: AtomType,     val width: Int?,     val height: Int?,     val constraintX: AtomikConstraintX,     val constraintY: AtomikConstraintY) : Atom, FixedSizeAtom, ConstrainedAtom

Represents an Atom with all of the properties found in a Figma atom

This atom contains the components that are configurable in a Figma file. These are the base components, as in Figma you can create shape and text components. There are child classes for those components.


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fun FigmaBaseAtom(    type: AtomType,     width: Int?,     height: Int?,     constraintX: AtomikConstraintX,     constraintY: AtomikConstraintY)


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fun <T : AtomInterface> asAtom(): T?

Checks to see if this Atom implements a certain AtomInterface and if it does returns the interface

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inline fun <T : AtomInterface> subAtom(): T?

Finds a subComponent matching a specified AtomInterface if it exists


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open override val constraintX: AtomikConstraintX

the constraint in the X Axis (horizontal)

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open override val constraintY: AtomikConstraintY

the constraint in the Y Axis (vertical)

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val hasSubComponents: Boolean

Checks to see if the Atom has any subcomponents. Returns boolean

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open override val height: Int?

the height of the UI (in dp / pt)

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open val subComponents: List<Atom>

the components related to this atom, as mentioned in description

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open override val type: AtomType

the Type of atom being displayed, such as button or text

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open override val width: Int?

the width of the UI (in dp / pt)


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