
open class DesignSystem(    val colorSet: ColorSet,     val typographySet: TypographySet,     val components: Map<String, Atom>,     var fontFamily: AtomikFontFamily? = null)

A Design System

This is the core of the Atomik Library, representing a Design Systems components. This is based on atomic design which is included in the Design System


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fun DesignSystem(    colorSet: ColorSet,     typographySet: TypographySet,     components: Map<String, Atom>,     fontFamily: AtomikFontFamily? = null)


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open val colorSet: ColorSet

the collection of colors to be used in this Design System

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open val components: Map<String, Atom>

the atomic components to be used in this Design System

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open var fontFamily: AtomikFontFamily? = null

the font family passed into the Design System from the Platform level

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open val typographySet: TypographySet

the collection of typohraphies to be used in this Design System