
class TextFieldMolecule(    val textAtom: TextAtom,     val backgroundColorAtom: ColorAtom,     val hintTextAtom: TextAtom? = null,     val errorTextAtom: TextAtom? = null,     val disabledColorAtom: ColorAtom? = null,     val cursorColor: AtomikColor? = null,     val errorColor: AtomikColor? = errorTextAtom?.textColor) : BaseMolecule

A molecule that contains information about a TextField


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fun TextFieldMolecule(    textAtom: TextAtom,     backgroundColorAtom: ColorAtom,     hintTextAtom: TextAtom? = null,     errorTextAtom: TextAtom? = null,     disabledColorAtom: ColorAtom? = null,     cursorColor: AtomikColor? = null,     errorColor: AtomikColor? = errorTextAtom?.textColor)


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open override val atoms: List<Atom>
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val backgroundColorAtom: ColorAtom

the ColorAtom of the background

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val cursorColor: AtomikColor? = null

the AtomikColor of the cursor

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val disabledColorAtom: ColorAtom? = null

the ColorAtom of the text if the ui is disabled

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val errorColor: AtomikColor?

the AtomikColor of the error, used for all error elements in the View

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val errorTextAtom: TextAtom? = null

the TextAtom used for the error Text when the field has an error

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val hintTextAtom: TextAtom? = null

the TextAtom used for the hint Text when the field is empty

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val textAtom: TextAtom

the TextAtom used for the entered Text


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fun TextFieldMolecule.colors(): TextFieldColors