Package com.kevinschildhorn.atomik.atomic.atoms.interfaces


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enum AtomikConstraintX : Enum<AtomikConstraintX>

An enum that represents the horizontal constraint of the Atom

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enum AtomikConstraintY : Enum<AtomikConstraintY>

An enum that represents the vertical constraint of the Atom

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interface AtomInterface

Represents an Atom from Atomic Design, as an interface

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enum AtomType : Enum<AtomType>

The type of UI Element an atom is.

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interface ColorAtom : AtomInterface

An atom that contains information about the color of the UI

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interface ConstrainedAtom : AtomInterface

An atom that contains information about the constraints of the UI(i.e. alignment)

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class SimpleColorAtom(val color: AtomikColor) : Atom, ColorAtom

Convenience class to only get the Color Atom

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class SimpleTextAtom(    val textColor: AtomikColor,     val typography: AtomikTypographyType,     val fontFamily: AtomikFontFamily?) : Atom, TextAtom

Convenience class to only get the Text Atom

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interface TextAtom : AtomInterface

An atom that has text


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val Atom.textAtom: TextAtom?

Convenience function to get the atom as a text atom