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Design System

A design system is a collection of reusable components, guided by clear standards, that can be assembled together to build any number of applications. (This collection of reusable components can also be referred to as a Pattern Library). The design system for developer purposes consists of five major sections:

  • Layout - The spacing and organization of components
  • Typography - The font and styling of text
  • Color - The colors used in the design
  • Components - UI elements used in the design
  • Iconography - logos and images used in the design

Defining a Design System

An Atomik Design System currently handles three parts of the design System: color, typography and components.

The DesignSystem takes in four variables, a ColorSet, a TypographySet, a map of Atoms, and a fontFamily

open class DesignSystem(
open val colorSet: ColorSet,
open val typographySet: TypographySet,
open val atoms: Map<String, Atom>,
open var fontFamily: AtomikFontFamily? = null

The font family is a temporary addition and can be removed once common fonts are added

Preset Design Systems

The DesignSystem should encompass all of the elements of your other Atomik classes. The DesignSystem takes in interfaces for colors and typography, and can be easily customized. Additionally there are some existing presets that are recommended based on what you need:

  • DefaultDesignSystem - A default implementation of a DesignSystem, contains useful data for most cases
  • PlatformDesignSystem - Based on the Platforms structure, meshes well with structures like compose Typograhy.
  • CustomDesignSystem - A customizeable DesignSystem, supports a completely unique pattern rather than using standards like h1 and body for typography

Design System Elements


Color Set

ColorSet is an interface that is meant to contain all colors in your project. Most ColorSets are classes that contain a Map of Colors and a fallback color in case it's not found.

public interface ColorSet {
public val fallbackColor: AtomikColor
public fun getColor(name: String): AtomikColor

ColorSets are made up of various AtomikColor

They can be implemented, however there's also a DefaultColorSet for a standard set. There is also a CustomColorSet that can be used for more granularity.

val colorSet = DefaultColorSet(
primary = AtomikColor(0xFFFFA500),
secondary = AtomikColor(0xFFFFD383),
background = AtomikColor(0xFFFFFFFF),
surface = AtomikColor(0xFFFFFFFF),
error = AtomikColor(0xFFFF0000),

primaryText = AtomikColor(0xFF402900),
secondaryText = AtomikColor(0xFFFFA500),
backgroundText = AtomikColor(0xFF25231F),
surfaceText = AtomikColor(0xFFFFA500),
errorText = AtomikColor(0xFF9E1F1F),


Typography Set

TypographySet is an interface that is meant to contain all typography data in your project. It is an interface that can be implemented, however there's also a DefaultTypographySet for a standard set. There is also a CustomTypographySet that can be used for granularity.

TypographySets are made up of various AtomikTypography, which are referenced by a TypographyType.

val typographySet = DefaultTypographySet(
h1 = AtomikTypography(size = 96),
h2 = AtomikTypography(size = 60),
h3 = AtomikTypography(size = 48),
h4 = AtomikTypography(size = 34),
subtitle = AtomikTypography(size = 16),
button = AtomikTypography(weight = AtomikTypographyWeight.BOLD, size = 14),
body = AtomikTypography(size = 16),
caption = AtomikTypography(weight = AtomikTypographyWeight.BOLD, size = 14),


The AtomikFontFamily is an expect/actual class for platform specific fonts. When initializing the Design System it's easier to set it to null and pass in the FontFamily later, when the app is started


The font family is a temporary addition and can be removed once common fonts are added


val fontFamily = FontFamily(
Font(R.font.quicksand_bold, FontWeight.Bold),
Font(R.font.quicksand_light, FontWeight.Light),
Font(R.font.quicksand_medium, FontWeight.Medium),
Font(R.font.quicksand_semibold, FontWeight.SemiBold),
designSystem.fontFamily = AtomikFontFamily(fontFamily)


let fontFamily = [
.bold: UIFont(name: "Quicksand-Bold", size: 12)!,
.light: UIFont(name: "Quicksand-Light", size: 12)!,
.medium: UIFont(name: "Quicksand-Medium", size: 12)!,
.normal: UIFont(name: "Quicksand-Regular", size: 12)!,
.semibold: UIFont(name: "Quicksand-SemiBold", size: 12)!
UIDesignKt.designSystem.fontFamily = AtomikAtomikFontFamily(uiFonts: fontFamily)