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Using Atoms


fun PrimaryButton(
text: String,
onClick: () -> Unit,
) {
val molecule: TextButtonMolecule = DesignAtoms.Buttons.primaryButtonMolecule
val buttonAtom = molecule.buttonAtom
onClick = onClick,
colors = buttonAtom.enabledColor.buttonColors(),
shape = buttonAtom.shape,
modifier = buttonAtom.heightModifier
) {
val textAtom = molecule.textAtom
color = textAtom.textColor.platformColor,
style = textAtom.textStyle(fontFamily),

Here we're creating a composable Button, which is a TextButton with a Text inside.

In this example we have a Molecule, which contains two Atoms, one for the button and one for the text inside since compose is available in KMP we are able to use shapes, textStyles, and other compose classes easily.


    let text: String
let action: () -> Void

var font: Font? {
var font: Font?
if let uiFont: UIFont = molecule.textAtom.uiFont {
font = Font(uiFont)
return font

var body: some View {

let buttonAtom = molecule.buttonAtom
let textAtom: AtomikTextViewAtom = molecule.textAtom

let height = { CGFloat(truncating: $0) }

Button(action: action, label: {
.frame(height: height)

In iOS we have something similar, we have the molecule and the atoms, and are passing them into the SwiftUI Views. Unfortunately KMP only supports UIKit and not SwiftUI so some conversions are needed.