Using Atoms
fun PrimaryButton(
text: String,
onClick: () -> Unit,
) {
val molecule: TextButtonMolecule = DesignAtoms.Buttons.primaryButtonMolecule
val buttonAtom = molecule.buttonAtom
onClick = onClick,
colors = buttonAtom.enabledColor.buttonColors(),
shape = buttonAtom.shape,
modifier = buttonAtom.heightModifier
) {
val textAtom = molecule.textAtom
color = textAtom.textColor.platformColor,
style = textAtom.textStyle(fontFamily),
Here we're creating a composable Button, which is a TextButton
with a Text
In this example we have a Molecule
, which contains two Atoms
, one for the button and one for the text inside
since compose is available in KMP we are able to use shapes, textStyles, and other compose classes easily.
let text: String
let action: () -> Void
var font: Font? {
var font: Font?
if let uiFont: UIFont = molecule.textAtom.uiFont {
font = Font(uiFont)
return font
var body: some View {
let buttonAtom = molecule.buttonAtom
let textAtom: AtomikTextViewAtom = molecule.textAtom
let height = { CGFloat(truncating: $0) }
Button(action: action, label: {
.frame(height: height)
In iOS we have something similar, we have the molecule and the atoms, and are passing them into the SwiftUI Views
. Unfortunately KMP only supports UIKit
and not SwiftUI
so some conversions are needed.